Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pulling Posts with Kevin

There are many rusted posts along the Concord River that used to mark the boarders of Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. These posts are a navigation hazard so
my Grandson Kevin and I have been pulling them using a 7,000 pound capacity truck jack, some chain and a little ingenuity
Kevin demonstrating our technique.
Our collection of posts. All of the metal posts were buried 6' deep. 

Kevin's a great helper, especially shoveling gravel into our truck. 

He's also good at prying field stones out of the trails. The resulting holes are filled with gravel.

Here we are ready to launch a kayak in the Concord River to look for more rusted posts.

The red line in the upper right corner shows our route and the numbers indicate the location of posts found. Notice that after #022 the red path enters vegetation.

We noticed the apparent outflow from the refuge and decided to try to make our way back into the refuge by going straight ahead.

The way got tighter as we entered the Button Bush.

It also got shallower.

We missed our destination by 100' and dragged the kayak overland. This kayak is designed with a flat bottom so you can step in and out in fairly deep water.
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