Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Day with Tod & Tyler, High School Interns

Today I was joined by high school seniors, Tyler and Tod, who are completing a work study program with the US Fish & Wildlife Service. Tyler and Tod have an impressive knowledge of the outdoors. We filled muskrat holes with gravel, pulled garlic mustard, cut silver maple saplings, watched a pair of Hairy Woodpeckers feeding young and observed a bunch of birds.  We found a Blanding's turtle with a transmitter, several broken robin eggs, predated turtle eggs, many painted turtles, a deceased pickerel and a carp head, muskrat, and a couple of snapping turtles. Along the way we met Derick Yorks who explained how he is studying the movements of Blanding's turtles.
After a long day of shoveling gravel both students said they'd like to come back and help another day. With that attitude these young adults are going to have a great future.
Tyler & Tod with Snapping Turtle
Tyler & Tod with Painted Turtle
Pickerel saying Hello
Unidentified spots on silver maple
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