Thursday, July 26, 2012

Busting Rocks with Kevin

Grandson Kevin joined me again today for a little work at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord MA. We started the day by spreading sand/clay on top of tree roots on the Timber Trail.

Kevin, examining my office cube (storage closet behind the rest rooms).

Learning the fine art of litter pickup.


and After sign cleaning with Simple Green.

We watched Chad excavating the drainage ditch in the Upper Impoundment.

After Kevin discovered how to work the truck jack we extracted several old posts.

We used the truck jack and chain to move the rock on the right into a vertical position.

Then Keven busted up the rock with a sledge hammer. The rock on the right awaits our attention next week.
We also:

  • Mowed the edge of the Timber Trail, the field by Maintenance Shop and the road to dump area.
  • Mounted a "No Entry" sign at the dump area.
  •  Disturbed a bunch of bees while filling a muskrat hole. 
  • Washed the electric truck.
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