Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Camping at Massachusetts Audubon Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary

This was our third trip to Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary this year, we've been camping here since 1979 when the showers only had cold water.
We always stop for doughnuts at the "Hole-in-One".  Sour cream is the best but Ruth prefers the apple fritters
Ruth and her hammock and me and my Kindle. I managed to finish Colonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris,  The Nature Principle by Richard Louv and got a start on Canada by Richard Ford.
I spent a lot of time birding on the sanctuary finding 71 species of birds and a having a lot of conversations with other birders.  The young birder on the right is Miles, fortunately he has a very encouraging mother providing terrific logistic support. 
Daddy Long Legs on the ceiling of our screen house. I once counted 24 of them.
The marsh view from below the Nature Center
Mother deer and her fawns at sand bank where Belted-Kingfishers sometime nest.
Boardwalk to Cape Cod Bay observation (not swimming) beach.
Ruth with our campground neighbors Nancy and Peter
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1 comment:

Cherrie said...

You and Ruth look happily in your element!