Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bird Census at Great Meadow

Once a week I do a bird census at Great Meadows. Usually I have help from one to three other people. We start about an hour after sunrise and travel 2.3 miles around the refuge in an electric truck. 

Location:     Great Meadows NWR--Concord Unit
Observation date:     6/9/11
Notes:     Census by NWR Volunteers David Swain and Alan Bragg. Least Bittern seen by other parties, opposite Poison Ivy Bench.
Number of species:     49

Canada Goose     40
Mute Swan     2
Wood Duck     9     Mother with 4 ducklings near Concord Riverside entrance
Mallard     3
Hooded Merganser     2
Double-crested Cormorant     4
Great Blue Heron     6
Turkey Vulture     3
Red-tailed Hawk     2
Common Moorhen     1     Poison Ivy Bench, upper impoundment
Killdeer     1
Mourning Dove     4
Chimney Swift     1
Belted Kingfisher     1
Red-bellied Woodpecker     2
Downy Woodpecker     2
Hairy Woodpecker     1
Northern Flicker     1
Eastern Wood-Pewee     3     One by entrance and two on maintenance road (1 on nest)
Willow Flycatcher     3     Tower and Holt
Eastern Phoebe     1     restroom area
Great Crested Flycatcher     2     rail trail and boat-landing
Eastern Kingbird     3
Warbling Vireo     15     2 young in nest in parking lot aspen
Blue Jay     4
American Crow     2
Tree Swallow     9
Barn Swallow     2
Black-capped Chickadee     2
Tufted Titmouse     6
White-breasted Nuthatch     4
Brown Creeper     2     2 at Concord Bedford boundary marker on Timber Trail
Marsh Wren     12     Very conservative count
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     4
Wood Thrush     1     On nest, Edge Trail
American Robin     12
Gray Catbird     2
Pine Warbler     1     Timber Trail
Common Yellowthroat     3
Chipping Sparrow     2
Song Sparrow     12
Swamp Sparrow     3
Scarlet Tanager     1     Timber Trail by bench
Northern Cardinal     2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak     1     Railroad bed
Red-winged Blackbird     100
Common Grackle     60
Baltimore Oriole     2
American Goldfinch     5

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