Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Great Meadows Morning

  1. Used the backpack blower to clean the Maintenance Shop floor and the driveway to the restrooms.
  2. Met Larry Warfield and looked for common moorhen COMO at the Poison Ivy Bench, american robin AMRO in the maple just past the Observation Deck, eastern wood-pewee EAWP on nest along Maintenance Road, brown creeper BRCR singing near Concord/Bedford boundary marker and wood thrush WOTH feeding babies at nest on Edge Trail.
  3. Lunch of sardines and Wassa.
  4. Washed electric truck as temperature soared into 80s
  5. Played with Blogger
  6. Arranged for Eurovan A/C repair.
  7. Sprayed water on our new concrete sidewalk poured last Thursday by Martin Pulliam with help from his brother Jonathan.
  8. My sore throat has transformed itself into a cough deep in my chest.

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